Kitchen Unit
General features
- Storage for Perishables
- 2 x Full size fridges
- 2 x Top loading freezers
- Tables / Shelves / Storage units
- For pantry / dry goods
- For pots, dishes & other kitchen utencils
- Work areas for food prep & benches
- For pantry / dry goods
- Appliances
- Sink + Faucet + Under sink tank + Pump
- Stove top (hooks up to gas canister)
- Hot plate (hooks up to gas canister)
- Coffee machine
- Ice maker
- Water / Gatorate Area
- One large water dispenser with clean water
- One large water dispenser with gatorade
- Trash bins (one bin per type of trash)
- Recyclable paper
- Non-recyclable paper / mixed materials
- Aluminum Cans
- Steel Cans
- Battery recycling bucket
- Cardboard recycling
- Compostable organics
- Power sockets in strategic areas
- Lighting & Ventilation
- Ventilated hood above stove top / hot plate
- Air Conditioning Unit(s)
- Airlock curtain (keep the cold air in / keep the dust out)
- Dust mat at the entrance